Friday, February 10, 2012

Why releasing Trapped Emotions isn't enough...

The title may lead you to believe that I am not a fan of emotion release. Not much could be further from the truth. Releasing trapped emotions is vital to our overall health. It is important; however, to recognize the vital role played by false beliefs.

To borrow an analogy from Daniel Macdonald, a friend of mine, the trapped emotions are like stakes driven into the ground to hold down a tarp. The tarp is a false belief. Only by releasing the emotions can we then be prepared to removed the tarp. We must realize that the tarp is removed in a different way than the stakes were, and when we neglect to remove the tarp we leave a space for the stakes to be driven into the ground once again. Too many times we satisfy ourselves by releasing emotions and never think to remove the tarp. After all it is the whole reason the emotions had a space in the first place. With no false beliefs, there are no trapped emotions. Where false beliefs are present there will always be a new generation of trapped emotions.

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